For the last few months, I’ve had way too many negative thoughts running through my head. Thoughts of inadequacy, self-doubt, and regret. Although it should be easy to replace these negative thoughts with positive ones, the simplest of things aren’t always easy. Sometimes we need a nudge from a friend, family member, or even a…

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For the last few months, I’ve had way too many negative thoughts running through my head. Thoughts of inadequacy, self-doubt, and regret. Although it should be easy to replace these negative thoughts with positive ones, the simplest of things aren’t always easy. Sometimes we need a nudge from a friend, family member, or even a…

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet a nisl sit amet eleifend. Proin arcu leo, efficitur ut semper ut, luctus vel quam. Nunc finibus convallis augue, eget ultrices tortor accumsan vitae. Ut ornare ipsum odio, at tincidunt sem ultricies eget. Maecenas in massa eu est venenatis feugiat. Donec nisl justo, lacinia in…

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