Mike Steadman's
Confessions of a
Native Son
A Podcast That Explores A Black Veteran’s
Perspectives On Race. Culture, And Business.
In the wake of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter Movement, and the recent debates surrounding the national anthem, America’s race problem is at the forefront of American social commentary. However, the voice of the black veteran remains largely unheard, particularly in the mainstream media. Given our unique backgrounds and experiences, the black veteran has the ability to provide a breath of fresh air and perspective on today’s social commentary. My name is “IRON” Mike Steadman, I’m a Marine Corps veteran, entrepreneur, and aspiring author. Follow me on my journey as I share my thoughts and perspectives on race, culture, and business, in Mike Steadman's "Confessions of a Native Son."

My background as a Naval Academy graduate, Marine Infantry Officer, and social entrepreneur, gives me a unique perspective on complex social and cultural issues. My hope is that through this show, I able to bridge the gap between the plight of everyday black Americans and that of its veteran community.

“I love America more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually. I think all theories are suspect, that the finest principles may have to be modified, or may even be pulverized by the demands of life, and that one must find, therefore, one’s own moral center and move through the world hoping that this center will guide one aright.”
—from Notes of a Native Son (1955)
Mike Steadman's "Confessions of a Native Son." is a podcast that gives you insight into the heart and mind of a black veteran. It honors the social commentary of Richard Wright, James Baldwin, and that countless other black writers, scholars, and intellectuals committed to addressing the social and economic conditions of black America.
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This show is brought to you by Dope Coffee, A lifestyle brand that pairs urban Black Culture with innovative product offerings in the coffee industry. We are not a coffee brand for Black people. We are a coffee brand that seeks to elevate Black culture through a lifestyle of premium coffee and candid conversation. Order some dope coffee at www.realdope.coffee and be sure to follow us on Instagram at: @realdopecoffee

“IRON” Mike Steadman
Mike Steadman is the Founder & CEO of IRONBOUND Boxing & Education, a nonprofit organization based in Newark, NJ that provides free amateur boxing training, entrepreneur education, and employment opportunities for Newark youth & young adults. Mike and his partner Keith Colon, oversee the IRONBOUND Boxing Academy, their free boxing gym for youth in Newark, NJ. Mike is also a three-time National Collegiate Boxing Champion from the United States Naval Academy and Marine Corps Infantry Officer, with deployments to Afghanistan, Japan, and the Philippines. Mike trains CEOs and nationally ranked boxers. Outside of boxing, Mike’s provided consulting services to a billion-dollar corporation around veteran entrepreneurship. He also serves as an advisor and brand strategist to Dope Coffee Company, an Atlanta based e-commerce brand. Through his efforts growing IRONBOUND and supporting the veteran entrepreneurial community, Mike has established himself as high profile veteran advocate and the new face of social entrepreneurship.
To learn more about Mike and his efforts in Newark, visit www.IRONBOUNDBoxing.org
If you’re interested in launching your own podcast, visit www.IRONBOUNDMedia.com